This paper analyzes the optimal path of Dual ring network MAC control protocol and presents a new control mode. Then, it studies the working method of self healing network when network malfunctions in this new control mode. 在对双环网络最优路径的MAC协议控制方式的研究中,提出了一种新的控制方法,并进行了分析,同时对各种自愈环网的工作过程进行了讨论。
Quality of the data delivery path, robustness of the overlay and control overhead are three important metric that about the "goodness" defined to evaluate the quality of the application layer multicast protocol. 数据通道质量、鲁棒性和控制开销是表征应用层多播性能质量的三个重要指标。
Finding an Executable Path in the Control Graph in the Network Protocol Testing 在网络协议软件测试的控制图中寻找一条可执行的路径